Welcome to Rhiannon S. Athletics


Welcome to Rhiannon S. Athletics

Hello friends! I’m so excited to welcome you to my new website and blog! I knew at some point I would make a website for myself and now seemed as good as time as any. Currently being stuck in our second lockdown of Covid-19, here in Alberta, I figured I had ample time to get my new site up and running.

Websites have always been important to me and my business. I believe they are the brick and mortar, the first impression, like a good first handshake in today’s digital world. When I first meet someone whether that’s on Instagram or a networking event in real life, one of the first things I do is check their website. It gives me a sense of who they are, what they like, and if I want to work with them.

So with that said, welcome to Rhiannon S. Athletics.

I’m looking forward to sharing informative and educational blog posts on personal training, my perspective and point of view, and maybe some personal things from time to time.

If you don’t know who I am already, if this is your first time here, allow me to introduce myself. I’m Rhiannon (if you hadn’t figured that out already) I’m in my second year as a certified personal trainer in Edmonton, AB, Canada. I started my journey to regain my health back in 2017, after working hard in my own home with a simple set of dumbells I found a new love for fitness and helping others. I have a sports background having played hockey for 12 years, and I love drawing inspiration from those days for my own athletics. However, currently, my sport of choice is Olympic Weightlifting. I owe a lot of my success to my coach and barbell club, Hannah Gray and Pantheon Barbell.

Outside of fitness,

I am also a professional photographer and have owned my business for the last seven years. Mainly focusing on weddings, headshots, branding, and families. If you’re curious you can find my work here. If you’re curious what the ‘S’ stands for in Rhiannon S. Athletics, it’s from my middle name, Sarah. My other business is Rhiannon Sarah Photography. So knowing that hopefully makes a little more sense. I enjoy having the two linked in some capacity. It was important to me. I am also engaged to my lovely fiancee, Jonathan, and we are in the midst of planning our wedding (despite Covid throwing a wrench into our original plans). I enjoy hiking and camping in the summer months, visiting my cabin in Ontario.

So I hope you’ll all stick around for a little bit I’m looking forward to sharing more with you all!

I work in Edmonton AB, and I am always on the move to take my next certification and gain more education, to help not only my clients but for myself also.

Contact Rhiannon here to book a consult and assessment.