Workout Without A Mirror


Workout Without A Mirror

the next time you’re in the gym, try working out not in front of a mirror. This is something I talk to my clients about a lot. For instance, the reason I want you to try a workout without a mirror is because I want you to develop really good body awareness. I want you to know what your movement, your lift is supposed to feel like. Tap into your mind-muscle connection. Asses how heavy the weights are, do you need to be lighter or heavier?

It teaches us how to properly train by ourselves without a coach, which at the end of the day is the ultimate goal for my clients.

I want my clients to essentially graduate from being with me as their coach. I want you to feel comfortable and confident in any and all gym settings. Certainly, I’m not going to be with you forever correcting form, so it’s important to understand how that looks and feels on you.

Another reason I want you to try working out not in front of a mirror, is that sometimes the mirror can be an unhealthy distraction.

Are you actually looking at your form? Or are you nit-picking your hair, how your clothes are bunching up, what your face looks like? All of these things are not important in the grand scheme of things. Therefore, I’d rather you re-focus on your body and how it’s feeling overall.

Now if you really want to check your form my best recommendation is to set up your camera on your phone place it somewhere non-discrete and record yourself. That way you can watch it back and analyze what you need too. in conclusion, if you have a coach, you can then send them the video and have them analyze it too.

workout without a mirror