Stop Reinventing Gym Exercises


Stop Reinventing Gym Exercises

Listen up guys, there seems to be a popular movement in the fitness world. And this may get a little controversial, but hear me out first. There’s a trend that’s been going around for awhile now that we constantly need to be coming up with the better approach, the best compound exercises that hits everything all at once. The exercise that have you in a high plank alternating a dumbbell row will you simultaneously have one of your feet on a bosu ball. Let me tell you why that’s bullshit.

The people I see performing these insane compound movements in the gym don’t need to be doing these exercises. Because it looks flashy and different you might assume. “oh they must know what they’re doing” or “they must be getting great results with something that looks so complicated”.  Hate to burst your bubble but they don’t and they aren’t.

They don’t need to be doing these exercises, because the vast majority of people I see performing them are regular old general population.

General population are people who work 9-5, they have children, families, partners or not. They are your average person just looking to better themselves in the gym. Now that doesn’t meant they’re not dedicated, I didn’t say that. But they aren’t pro athletes. See my point? Even for pro athletes these moves can be completely pointless.

We need to stop reinventing gym exercises. The tride and true, good old fashioned movements work. The bodies mechanics aren’t getting reinvented so why do we need to constantly be trying to one up everything in the gym? Making the movement so complicated that you can’t grasp it because too much is happening all at once, or that you end up performing it with sub par technique. Never focusing on mind muscle connection because again, you’re just trying to get through it?

That should never be the case when you train. Train with intention and purpose, take your time, you don’t need to rush.

I promise the oldies, work. Set yourself up for success with a simple program you know you can follow. You don’t need to get fancy. The best program is the one you can adhere too. End of story.

So next time you see someone online showing off this “great new all in one exercise” think again, analysis. What is this actually achieving, does it actually help me reach my goals? Or it just something that looks flashy for the reaction of others.

Stop Reinventing Gym Exercises